INV.FOND ¬ECHY - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about INV.FOND ¬ECHY

RMS - RM-System
Last price06.04.1999150.20
First price21.04.1997200.00
Historic min28.07.199728.00
Historic max21.04.1997200.00
Total volume120 021 155.10
INV.FOND ¬ECHY - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199904 - - - 150.00 152.00 54 777 graf
199903 - - - 148.00 163.00 100 743 276 graf
199902 - - - 131.00 155.00 1 527 052 graf
199901 - - - 128.00 138.00 600 390 graf
199812 - - - 115.00 131.00 3 151 747 graf
199811 - - - 107.00 125.00 1 526 187 graf
199810 - - - 86.00 113.00 271 597 graf
199809 - - - 107.00 123.00 345 262 graf
199808 - - - 124.00 141.00 668 926 graf
199807 - - - 122.00 143.00 1 137 427 graf
199806 - - - 113.00 129.00 2 222 782 graf
199805 - - - 104.00 126.00 1 250 763 graf
199804 - - - 89.00 109.00 640 714 graf
199803 - - - 85.00 101.00 640 567 graf
199802 - - - 86.00 95.00 520 593 graf
199801 - - - 88.00 99.00 549 060 graf
199712 - - - 84.00 95.00 794 428 graf
199711 - - - 84.00 107.00 941 294 graf
199710 - - - 75.00 153.00 1 347 254 graf
199709 - - - 39.00 80.00 427 387 graf
199708 - - - 30.00 54.00 146 509 graf
199707 - - - 28.00 45.00 162 720 graf
199706 - - - 43.00 55.00 241 638 graf
199705 - - - 38.00 174.00 72 803 graf
199704 - - - 193.00 200.00 0 graf
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