BENZINSERVIS - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about BENZINSERVIS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price05.06.1996115.99
First price07.03.19951 500.00
Historic min07.05.199687.40
Historic max07.03.19951 500.00
Total volume938 108.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price29.05.199695.50
First price28.03.1995535.00
Historic min26.04.199680.00
Historic max28.03.1995535.00
Total volume495 840.00
BENZINSERVIS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199606 116.00 116.00 0 - - - graf
199605 87.00 116.00 21 380 94.00 106.00 33 322 graf
199604 108.00 225.00 22 241 80.00 210.00 13 335 graf
199603 226.00 278.00 49 204 217.00 278.00 42 539 graf
199602 271.00 330.00 108 127 257.00 311.00 78 867 graf
199601 307.00 341.00 72 761 241.00 348.00 47 223 graf
199512 282.00 385.00 87 677 247.00 339.00 23 856 graf
199511 231.00 385.00 129 537 231.00 315.00 33 626 graf
199510 256.00 351.00 83 483 287.00 360.00 34 804 graf
199509 308.00 388.00 93 738 295.00 369.00 35 244 graf
199508 293.00 400.00 65 577 292.00 399.00 82 118 graf
199507 281.00 293.00 72 604 219.00 270.00 8 505 graf
199506 211.00 301.00 40 266 212.00 285.00 16 122 graf
199505 233.00 300.00 48 550 252.00 330.00 41 186 graf
199504 260.00 578.00 41 463 261.00 450.00 5 094 graf
199503 608.00 1 500.00 1 500 450.00 535.00 0 graf
199502 - - - - - 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec