CPI VAR/12 - Bond CPI VAR/12 share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price CPI VAR/12

RMS - 22.2.2012 18:00:00
Current price 10 000.00 CZK
Average 10 000.00 CZK / 0 Pc
Volume 0 CZK
First/Last -/10 000.00 CZK
Min/Max -/- CZK
Number of changes 1
PCP 0.00/0.00 CZK

Akcie CPI VAR/12 - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 22.2.2012 18:00:00
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History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie CPI VAR/12 - Latest on-line trades on markets

Other info about CPI VAR/12

CZ0003501447, ISIN: CZ0003501447, BIC: BDBIFBO - Information from central depository

CPI VAR/12 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Total monthly/yearly volumes of CPI VAR/12 on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for CPI VAR/12

Czech Property Investments, a.s. (Name), INVESTIČNÍ PRIVATIZAČNÍ FOND BOLESLAVSKO a.s. (Name, till 19.10.1993), Investiční fond BOLESLAVSKO, a.s. (Name, till 27.6.1996), BOLESLAVSKO a.s. (Name, till 9.9.1998), B 1115 (Name), CZ42716161 (VAT), 001-42716161 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), CZ42716161 (VAT, till 1.5.2004), 42716161 (ID), 42716161 (ID, till 17.12.1991), 42716161 (ID, till 20.10.1993), 42716161 (ID, till 22.9.1997), 42716161 (ID, till 4.11.1998), 42716161 (ID, till 1.12.1999), 42716161 (ID, till 11.3.2002), 42716161 (ID, till 20.1.2003), E998AAA7D0F378849F440ED34ADC8C53 (Name)

Other securities CPI VAR/12

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