PF IKS KB PLUS - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about PF IKS KB PLUS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price08.03.2000274.10
First price27.06.1995270.00
Historic min14.11.1996101.99
Historic max23.06.1999280.00
Total volume782 635 671.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price13.03.2000279.00
First price12.05.1995300.00
Historic min22.06.199578.00
Historic max12.05.1995300.00
Total volume716 294 238.40
PF IKS KB PLUS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2000 257.00 280.00 35 980 477 262.00 280.00 36 742 172 graf
1999 197.00 280.00 185 382 958 196.00 280.00 143 344 490 graf
1998 163.00 209.00 158 871 834 158.00 210.00 352 609 318 graf
1997 150.00 227.00 216 977 186 146.00 225.00 87 441 502 graf
1996 102.00 169.00 124 718 326 100.00 169.00 69 023 514 graf
1995 104.00 270.00 58 088 068 78.00 300.00 26 902 785 graf
Zobrazit sloupec