Bonds, Bond emissions in 1999, 1999

Bond emissions registerred in the Central Securities Depository Prague, Czech

Latest Czech bond emissions

ISINNameType Date of change Nominal Number
770990002071 COOP 94 OPF share certificate-unit trust 22.12.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990001818 VÝNOSOVÝ OPF share certificate-unit trust 06.12.1999 1 CZK
770990001529 OPF AKRO EUROTECH share certificate-unit trust 01.11.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
CZ0008471620 UNIVERSÁLNÍ OPF share certificate-unit trust 18.08.1999 1 000 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990000885 AG135 FOND OPF share certificate-unit trust 22.07.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990000877 AG7 FOND OPF share certificate-unit trust 01.07.1999 1 000 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990000893 ČESKÝ OPF share certificate-unit trust 14.06.1999 1 CZK
770990000760 IPB AKCIOVÝ OPF share certificate-unit trust 31.05.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990000679 BALANCOVANÝ OPF share certificate-unit trust 10.05.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
770990000661 KONZERVATIVNÍ OPF share certificate-unit trust 10.05.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
CZ0008471612 ČSOB Č.PEN.TRH OPF share certificate-unit trust 23.04.1999 1 CZK 2 147 483 647
CS0008470159 ČECHOINVEST OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
CS0008470167 MORAVOINVEST OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
CS0008470175 RENTINVEST OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
770980001513 SPOROBOND OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
770980001497 SPOROINVEST OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
770980001505 SPOROTREND OPF share certificate-unit trust 28.02.1999 1 CZK
770990000273 FINNEX EURO OPF share certificate-unit trust 10.02.1999 1 CZK 1 000 000 000
770990000141 ČESKÝ RÁJ PFO share certificate-unit trust 08.02.1999 800 CZK 83 308
770990000133 HORNICKÝ PFO share certificate-unit trust 08.02.1999 800 CZK 17 074
770990000125 VELKOMORAVSKÝ PFO share certificate-unit trust 08.02.1999 800 CZK 135 038
770980001885 OPF SPEKTRUM GIS share certificate-unit trust 08.01.1999 500 CZK 2 147 483 647
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